NTA CUET UG 2024 Exam Date
The examination for CUET (UG) - 2024 is scheduled to take place between May 15, 2024, and May 24, 2024. For information regarding the programs offered by Central Universities (CUs), State Universities, and other participating Universities/Organizations, individuals can refer to their respective websites or visit https://exams.nta.ac.in/CUET-UG/.NTA CUET UG 2024 Exam Pattern
In CUET (UG) - 2024, there will be a total of 63 test papers available. The test duration for most papers will be 45 minutes, except for certain subjects such as Accountancy, Economics, Physics, Computer Science / Informatics Practices, Chemistry, Mathematics / Applied Mathematics, and General Test, which will have a duration of 60 minutes.
To ensure fairness and equal opportunity for all candidates, the test papers that are preferred by the majority will be conducted in Pen & Paper mode. The schedule for these test papers can be found in Annexure 1, and candidates are advised to carefully check the date and time for each opted test paper.
The remaining papers will be conducted in Computer-Based Test (CBT) mode, following the schedule provided in Annexure 2. Candidates are requested to strictly adhere to the specified timing for each test paper.
NTA CUET UG 2024 Subject Wise Exam Schedule

Download your CUET UG Admit Card for 2024
- Step 1: Visit the official web portal at cuetug.ntaonline.in.
- Step 2: Navigate to the Public Notices section on the homepage.
- Step 3: Locate and click on the link provided for downloading the admit card.
- Step 4: Fill in the required information, such as your registration number and date of birth.
- Step 5: Verify the input details to ensure accuracy, then click on the submit button.
- Step 6: Your admit card will be displayed on your device screen.
- Step 7: Review the details on the admit card carefully. Step 8: Finally, print a copy of your admit card for further reference and use during the examination.
Details typically found on CUET UG Admit Card for 2024:
- Exam Name: The name of the examination, such as "Common University Entrance Test (CUET) - Undergraduate."
- Exam Organizer’s Name: The name of the organization conducting the exam, usually the National Testing Agency (NTA) or the respective university.
- Student’s Name: Your full name as entered during the registration for the exam.
- Photograph: Your passport-sized photograph uploaded during the application process.
- Exam Centre Name: The name and address of the examination center where you are assigned to take the test.
- Exam Timings: The date and time of the examination, including the reporting time.
- General Instructions: Important guidelines and instructions to be followed on the day of the examination, including rules regarding prohibited items, dress code (if any), COVID-19 protocols, and other relevant information.
Important Link
Hall ticket Download | Click here |
City Intimation Slip Link | Click here |
Official website | Click here |